Strategic Planning
Col-Pac prepares a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
2022-2027 CEDS (Click Here) which is updated annually for EDA. NW Oregon’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is a collaborative Plan that combines and coordinates the economic development activities of the Columbia-Pacific Economic Development District (Col-Pac), NW Oregon Economic Alliance (NOEA), NW Oregon Area Commission on Transportation (NWACT), NW Oregon Workforce Investment Board (ONWIB), NW Oregon Regional Solutions Team and Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and western Washington Counties economic development councils.
The CEDS provides a regional framework and overview to NW Oregon’s economic development landscape, drawing upon the needs, issues, goals and strategies of the region’s local, regional, state and federal partners and private industry.
The NW Oregon CEDS is a flexible and dynamic planning document that is reviewed annually, with a full economic update every five years. Drafting of the CEDS is a collaborative effort, with input through public meetings with all of the public partners and private stakeholders. The 2022-2027 CEDS includes a full regional economic analysis, updated with the most current census, employment and business trending data. Another key addition in the 2022-2027 CEDS is the inclusion of the NW Oregon Regional Solutions Team mission and priorities, which mirror those of Col-Pac’s, while providing direct connections to the region’s state agencies.
NW Oregon’s CEDS provides guidance and context for implementing specific economic development activities and project investments. The economic development goals, strategies and performance measures in NW Oregon’s CEDS are a composite of the region’s local economic development service delivery system. Based on their own identified needs and issues, local partners identify key projects that meet their economic development goals, which are then matched with potential funding or collaborative partners using the CEDS platform. The regional approach allows for cross-pollination of projects, development expertise and regulatory agency involvement so critical in our time of limited resources.
NW Oregon’s CEDS is a required element of the federal Economic Development Administration’s (EDA) regional economic development program.
Administration and transportation planning through the NW Oregon Area Commission on Transportation (NWACT).
Coordination of regional priorities in partnership with the Regional Solutions Team.
Economic Impact and Strategic Business Planning for our regional Ports.