Northwest Oregon Economic Alliance

About Us
Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook Counties
Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook Counties
Formed in 1993, the NW Oregon Economic Alliance (NOEA) is a partnership between Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties, with the original purpose of administering the Regional Investment and Rural Investment lottery funds allotted to the three-county region from 1994–2000. Today, NOEA manages state-funded projects for Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties.
Oversight of the Alliance is by a nine member Regional Board, three representatives per county, appointed by the County Commissions:
- Clatsop County: Bruce Jones, Frank Spence, Lianne Thompson
- Columbia County: Casey Garrett, Kathy Engel, Rick Scholl
- Tillamook County: Erin Skaar, Val Folkema
Staff Contact:
Sarah Lu Heath (503) 397-3099 or
NW Oregon Economic Alliance
Clatsop ● Columbia ● Tillamook Counties | Regional Board
The Alliance is managed by a nine member Regional Board, three representatives and one alternate per county, appointed by the County Commissions.
Clatsop County
Frank Spence (
Port of Astoria Commission
(503) 741-3300
Lianne Thompson ( )
Clatsop County Board of Commissioners
(503) 436-9013
Bruce Jones (
Astoria City Council
(503) 325-5824
Alt: Kevin Leahy
Clatsop Economic Development Resources (CEDR)
(503) 338-2402
Tillamook County
Mary Faith Bell (
Tillamook County Board of Commissioners
(503) 842-3403
Van Moe ( )
Tillamook, OR
(503) 842-2626
Val Folkema (
Garibaldi, OR 97118
Alt: Candace Stark (
Nehalem, OR 97131
(503) 368-3257
Columbia County
Casey Garrett
Columbia County Commission
(503) 397-4322
Kathy Engel (
Clatskanie, OR
(503) 396-1341
Rick Scholl
St Helens City Council
(503) 396-1653
Alt: Paul Vogel
Columbia County Economic Team
(503) 805-5139
Officers: Lianne Thompson, Chair
Casey Garrett, Vice-Chair
Val Folkema, Secretary Treasurer
NOEA Staff
Sarah Lu Heath (
NW Oregon Economic Alliance
(503) 397-3099
Business Oregon Development Officer
Melanie Olson (
(503) 801-7155
P.O. Box 1535 • St. Helens, OR 97051 • / NOEA • 503.397.3099
The Col-Pac EDD and NOEA Boards meet jointly every other month, usually the second Thursday of the month, unless it falls on a holiday. Col-Pac and NOEA meet from 10:00 am — 12:00 pm, followed by the NW Oregon Area Commission on Transportation Meeting starting at 1:00 pm.
Col-Pac EDD and NOEA also share meeting agendas and minutes. (Click Here)